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Catholic Graveyard

Status- Unbuilt, 2016

Location- Sector 58, Gururgram


The catholic cemetery in Gurugram attempts that reinterpreting and redefining both the associated image and purpose of the graveyard. In the light of contemporary conversations around environment and responsible design approach to the planet at large, the graveyard takes forward the idea of sustainability and a resource efficient model to architecture for the dead. The cemetery uses a mix of wall crypts for burials, wall niches for interring of ashes and a crematorium
That demonstrates the progressive stance of the catholic church. The existing topographical depression on the site dictates the organization of the burial crypts and the wall niches into modules across the landscape bringing into form a tiered garden. The cemetery allows us to not focus on the physical remains of our deceased but creates an opportunity through the landscape for fond remembrance.

A landscape that hopes to bring relief from the pain and anxiety of loss and for those endured loss, a hope of creating a landscape of memory, and an enclave of peace. A garden that is a space for calm in the present chaos and impermanence of our existence. A space to embrace and contemplate our own mortality without fear. A sanctuary for the dead and the living.

sustainable architecture | Interior design | Master planning 

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